Monday, September 21, 2009

My New Adventure

If you didn't already know, in the past year my photography hobby has turned into a passion. After a lot of thought and encouragement from my friends and family, I have decided to start a little photography business. I'm still in the first stages of putting my portfolio and website together. So while I am in this transition period, I decided to offer a special to get me going. For the months of September, October, and November I will be offering photo shoots for the following prices:
Sitting fee:$50(Up to 7 people, $5 per person after that)
CD:$25 (with 20-30 edited high resolution images along with the copyright release. I do take hundres of pictures, but unfortunately I can't edit them all)

After this promo, the disk will be $75 or you can choose to order prints. The sitting fee will remain the same. I hope to have my website up and running within the next week or two, but if you want to check out a few of the sessions I have already done click on the links below. I am so excited for this new opportunity to stretch my creative wings and try something new. I usually do shoots on Tues, Thurs, and Fri evenings, but I am flexible. If you are interested, leave me a comment. If you want to leave personal info, I moderate my comments and won't post it. If you know anyone else who might be interested feel free to pass on the info.

Thanks again for all of your loving support and help.